Quick answers to your Frequently Asked Questions
We have compiled this handy FAQ section to answer common questions that you may have, instead of you having to contact support. However, if you have further queries, please do feel free to contact the EmuGames support team. You can contact them at this email address: XXXXXXX
What is EmuGames?
EmuGames is an online gaming site that provides free online games to play on desktop, IOS , and Android devices.
Do I have to pay to play?
No, you most certainly do not need to pay. All the games available on EmuGames are absolutely free to play for your enjoyment.
Do I need to download the games before playing?
No downloads are required as all the games are instant play without the hassle of having to download them.
Who can play the games at EmuGames?
EmuGames welcomes all gamers, young and old , to play the games available here. There’s something for everyone to enjoy.
What kind of games are available?
We have a lovely selection of classic games to choose from that are divided into Action, Arcade, Board, Puzzles, Racing, Shooting, and Strategy games.
What can I do if the game doesn’t want to load?
Try refreshing the page. If you are still having a problem it might be a plug-in issue that launches the game. Feel free to contact support for further assistance.
What is HTML5?
Video games, among other internet content, are supported by HTML5, a form of programming language.
What are HTML5 games?
These are online video games that use HTML5 technology to power them.
Are these the only games available?
We often make new uploads to EmuGames, so always keep an eye out for new game additions to the site.
Is there a time limit on how long you can play for?
Absolutely not, you can play any of our games for as long as you like. We would never dictate to you how long you can or cannot play a game for.