How to support us?
If you find enjoyment in your time at EmuGames and would like to give a kind helping hand in our journey to create the ultimate online gaming destination for our beloved players, then below we give some suggestions on how you can be of assistance. We would like to communicate at the outset that this helps us continue doing what we love which is creating the most captivating site possible that the most avid online gamers can call home.
Tell your friends
If you encounter any games that leave an impression on you, then we would appreciate your kind help in spreading the word to your friends and peers. You could also help by following us on social media and sharing our page or posts.
Disable adblocker
Also please don’t use adblocker because we derive all our revenue from advertising; by doing this you would be helping us out big time in our ability to keep running and fulfill our ongoing vision of building an unbeatable gaming destination.
Give us a mention
You may also help us advertise by adding a link to EmuGames to your website, particularly if you happen to be hosting a YouTube channel about online games or are writing a blog about it; if you happen to be doing anything online related to online gaming you could be an incredibly precious help towards us by giving us a mention.
Follow us
Simply by following us on social media you would be helping us because we would appear more reputable and legitimate in the eyes of prospective players. It would also help you keep up to date on exciting new developments in EmuGames; this in turn could prompt you to give us extremely valuable feedback on how we can improve our brand, which is a form of help that we don’t take for granted.
In closing, we cannot stress enough how much your support means to each and every one of us here at EmuGames. We may put several hours into organizing and optimizing our website and games, but it is our loyal players who are the real heroes in our ongoing journey, because without your interest and help we would never be where we are today and wouldn’t be able to showcase our full potential as a brand. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for coming along for the ride and for believing in us!